Pastor, Author, Entrepreneur, Life Coach, Television Personality, Wife, Mother, and Grandmother, Dr. Hunt has a soft demeanor, excellent spirit and a powerful anointed voice.
She has the spirit and motivation like a “stallion,” leading the way to help others become free from their tragedy, abuse, neglect and despair. Operating in a prophetic, healing and deliverance anointing many have been healed and set-free.
Pastor Hunt walks in the dimension of the Spirit that inspires saints to discover their purpose and to fulfill their destiny. God has anointed her to train and stir up the anointing and gifts in others. She has a mantle for pioneering, building and leadership.
Dr. Hunt has been anointed to hear God’s Word and speak prophetically to build up, direct and restore. Her evangelist work consists of a weekly television program which reaches the masses to bring salvation, healing and deliverance.
As a teacher and strong advocate for education, she founded the Word School of Ministry and Bible Institute, an accredited school of ministry designed to help equip saints for the work of the ministry.
She and her husband, Bishop Danny Hunt, founded the Walk and the Word Family Church in March 2005. They serve as the apostolic covering for ten pastors, three churches, and fifteen ministers of the Gospel.
Dr. Hunt earned a Bachelors Degree in English and Speech Communication, a Master of Arts Degree in Mass Communication, A Masters and Doctorate Degree of Theology, and a Doctorate of Divinity Degree honoris causa. In July 2010, she was consecrated as an Apostle of the Gospel.
She is the author of several books, including Issues of the Heart, A New Walk, The Total Woman, Is Something Missing? Mastering Your Ministry Workbook, The Danger of Jealousy, and contributing author to several books written by the Women Who Soar ministry group.
In an effort to help remedy social and economic voids in rural Louisiana, she assisted in establishing and building a center to serve the needs of the elderly and youth. For eighteen years she has successfully operated a non-profit organization and is the founder of many community-based programs designed to provide mentoring, training and guidance for youth and teens.
In addition to being a called anointed vessel of God, she is the mother of one daughter, son-in-law, and grandmother of six children.
Dr. Hunt is very humbled by the call to win souls, heal hurting hearts, transform lives and direct others to fulfill their purpose and destiny.
To request a ministry engagement with Dr.Hunt please click here.
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