To reach and teach ladies from all walks of life. Ministering the Word in demonstration and Power to heal, deliver and set ladies free that they might reflect the Beauty of the Lord! To empower women to live out their God-given purpose!
Never has there been a greater need for women’s ministries. Many women share a general chaos about self-identity, children, family matters, careers and the issue of authority.
I know from experience that women minister uniquely to women, and that women have needs only other women can meet. The Bible says in Titus 2: 4 “The aged women may teach the young women.” The aged women was not referring to chronological age but those who have experience, living holy, teachers of good things and spiritually mature.
God placed it on my heart in 1997 to follow the scripture of Titus 2: 1-5 and to host a women’s conference. The first conference theme was the “The Total Woman.”
In 2000 I gave birth to Carolyn Hunt Ministries and began to host “The Total Women’s” conference each year. The ministry is founded on I Thessalonians 5:23. “And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,” (KJV).
The apostle Paul separated the components of who we are into three distinct areas. We are not only spirit but we have a soul and live in a physical body.
The Total Woman ministry is designed to minister to the whole woman.
Whole meaning – complete, containing all components, not divided or disjoined; in one unit, not wounded, injured or impaired; sound or unhurt.
Each year at the Total Women’s conference anointed women have ministered and the power of God has healed, delivered, transformed and set women free to live out their God-given purpose!